Background Remover

Remove background from image. Unlimited and free!

How to remove a background from a picture

1 - Select an image

Use the "Import an image" button, CTRL+V, or drag and drop an image to get started. For Craiyon images just click on "Remove background".

Illustration icon
Example illustration to remove the background

2 - Remove background

No need to do anything here! The AI background remover automatically removes the background from your image.

Background removed illustration

3 - Download in HD

You can choose transparent background, white background or another color. Download your image in HD and you’re done!

HD download exampe

Why choose Craiyon’s background remover?

100% Free Background Remover

No hidden costs! You can use our bg remover for free!

Cute fox illustration with the background partially removed
A group of illustration: a food oil painting, an avocado illustration, and a watercolor of a cute cat

Unlimited Usage

No restrictions or daily limits. You can remove backgrounds as much as you want.

HD Download

No pixelated mess or downsizing. Download your image in HD, up to 2k resolution.

An ice sculpture of a fox with the background removed
A group of illustration: a food oil painting, an avocado illustration, and a watercolor of a cute cat

No account needed

Skip the hassle of sign-ups and logins. Just upload your image and remove background.

Change Background Color

Add a white background, transparent or black! Doesn't matter if you're needing a white, pink, blue- we've got you covered.

A drawing of an orange fruit with black and white background

Automatic & Accurate BG Remover

A sunset logo with a background The same sunset logo without a background

Background Remover FAQ’s

  • What is Craiyon’s AI background remover?

    Craiyon’s background remover is a web based service to remove the background of an image.

    Our goal was to create a simple and easy to use bg remover that works 100% automatically. Just upload your image and Craiyon uses AI to automatically delete background from image.

    Then you can choose a transparent background, white background, black background or any other color you want. Finally download your image with the background removal and you’re done!

    The background remover can also be used on any image created through Craiyon AI Art Generator.

  • Can I change the transparent background to white background or black background?

    You can quickly and easily change the background color and add a white background, black background or another color to your images.

    To change a transparent background to another color, simply upload your image to Craiyon’s free background remover, then choose from white background, black background or another color.

  • Is Craiyon’s background remover free?

    Craiyon is a truly 100% free background remover. With Craiyon’s image background remover you enjoy no logins, no limits, and high resolution image output.

    Remove as many backgrounds as you like, unlimited images, unlimited possiblities and endless joy!

  • How can I remove backgrounds faster?

    Upgrade to a paid plan and enjoy priority access to our servers and faster processing times. We can remove backgrounds in just a few seconds for our paid users!

    Speed up your results, go ad free and support a group of passionate researchers. Your support means we can keep making our AI model better for you every single day!

  • What if my background was not removed correctly?

    Sometimes our AI can goof up and stumble with certain backgrounds.

    Here’s a little tip: go ahead and hit that "retry" button to give it another chance, maybe even two.

    We are constantly tweaking and refining our background removing capabilities to enhance your experience.

  • What if I get errors when trying to process an image?

    If your image is too large, try reducing its size. Otherwise wait a few seconds and try again. We’re adding servers as quickly as we can so everyone can benefit from our AI models.

  • Is there a Craiyon app?

    Not at the moment but we plan to develop one in the future.

    ⚠️ WARNING: If you find a Craiyon app on Google Play or the App Store, it’s not us! There are more copycats out there than we can count, but the real Craiyon doesn’t have an app just yet. If we do, you’ll be the first to know!

  • Craiyon rocks! How can I show my support?

    Yes it does! Your feedback is gold to us. From bugs to feature requests, we’re all ears, always.

    Loving Craiyon? Get more from our AI by upgrading to a paid plan.

    You can also Get Some Swag by turning your favorite AI creations into a t-shirt!

    Your support means we can keep making our AI model better for you every single day!

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